Progress of the Calotriton arnoldi program
at Generalitat de Catalunya


Calotriton arnoldi

Common Name(s)

Montseny Brook Newt

Region where program is based


Country where program is based


The authority that recommended this species for an ex situ program

Servei de Biodiversitat, del Departament Agricultura, Ramaderia, Pesca, Alimentació i Medi Natural

Has a genetic analysis been performed on wild populations to define the target taxon, i.e., verify that single, viable Evolutionarily Significant Units (ESU's) that are managed as separate populations, are not confounded by cryptic species or polymorphisms?


Name of the institution managing the ex situ population

Generalitat de Catalunya

Year the program started


Is at least some portion of the captive population maintained in range country?


Are sufficient resources available to manage the ex situ population?


Are adequate numbers of skilled staff available with the appropriate ex situ amphibian experience?


Is sufficient space available for the required population size?


Additional Support required

There are sufficient resources to maintain the current centres, but the number of centres should be expanded, and the monitoring of reintroduced populations should be intensified. It is especially important to have centers specialized in the growth of larvae until they reach the optimal size for release (2-3 years). Staff support would be needed to monitor reintroduced populations for the creation of new breeding centres. Support would be needed for some habitat improvement actions or compensation to homeowners who may be affected by their forestry activity.

Has a Taxon Management Coordinator for the ex situ population been appointed?


Taxon Management Coordinator

Francesc Carbonell of Generalitat de Catalunya

Has a Taxon Management Group or Recovery Team been established?


Has a Taxon Management Plan, Recovery Plan or Species Action Statement been written?


Web link to Taxon Management Plan

Have Husbandry Guidelines been written?


Web link to Husbandry Management Guidelines

Have any knowledge gaps in the species biology or in their interaction with potential threats been identified that could benefit from research using the ex situ population?


List of knowledge gaps

There are gaps in information in the biology of the species as well as in the characteristics and needs of its habitats. The complex structure and characteristics of torrents with periods of drought, sudden torrential level rises and the existence of groundwater causes data to be lacking to determine the torrents potentially suitable for the species. Intensive mapping and study of potential torrents is underway.

Have founder needs been calculated using the AArk Amphibian Population Management Guidelines ?


Have sufficient potential founders been collected? ( AArk Amphibian Population Management Guidelines recommends a minimum of 20 pairs of found animals).


If sufficient founders have not been collected, is there an ongoing search for additional founders?


Is the ex situ population managed by nationals from the range country?


What tools are used to maximize retention of genetic diversity?


Has the population produced viable offspring?


Have the first generation captive-bred animals bred successfully?


Is the ex situ population housed in permanent isolation from other populations occurring outside its range?


Is work being supported to study and mitigate threats to the species in the wild, either by the institution or by a regional wildlife agency?


Have captive-bred or captive-reared animals been released into the wild?


If releases were undertaken, have disease screening protocols or veterinary health checks been conducted prior to releases to the wild?


Is follow-up work being carried out to monitor progress of the released animals?


Is the taxon again secure in the wild, even if it might still require some ongoing in situ management? i.e. has the need for a captive assurance population been obviated such that we can call this a successfully terminated captive rescue program?



2021: The European LIFE TRITO MONTSENY programme (LIFE15 NAT / ES / 000757) ended in 2020 for actions related to ex-situ conservation and only one prologue has been requested to complete some habitat improvement actions within the range of the species. 2018: Geographically and genetically, two isolated populations are differentiated (eastern and western populations). Two independent breeding programs, are being managed, one for each of the populations. Currently there are 4 centers involved in the Ex-situ conservation program: Torreferrussa is the center of reference, where are the founders of the two populations. Pont de Suert keeps additional animals from the western population and the Zoos of Barcelona and Chester keep additional animals from the eastern population. Currently, there is the help of a Life project of the European community, LIFE TRITO MONTSENY (LIFE15 NAT / ES / 000757) It has been confirmed that animals from the captive breeding program which have been released to the wild have subsequently bred in the wild. 2016: There is enough genetic evidence to differentiate two different ESUs (Western and Estern Sector). Genetic studies are being performed to define the genetic structure for each sector, depending on these additional founders will be caught. Reproductive evidence for the new populations released into the wild have been found. This program was initiated by the Servei de Biodiversitat, del Departament Agricultura, Ramaderia, Pesca, Alimentacio i Medi Natural (DAAM), Generalitat de Catalunya (Wildlife Service from the Catalan Government). Founder animals included 5 males and 5 females from the Western sector ESU and 6 males and 6 females from the Eastern sector ESU. A phylogenetic study has been carried out on wild populations to describe the species in Carranza and Amat (2005). There is enough genetic evidence to differentiate it from Calotriton asper. Preliminary studies (using Cyt b, ND4 and RAG-1 markers) for the ESUås definition (Valbuena-Ure_a et al., on preparation) suggest two different ESUås. Microsatellite studies are being performed to define the genetic structure of this species. Additional facilities will be required in the future. The recovery Plan is in elaboration process inside the general Management plan of species of fluvial habitats The captive breeding plan have been written by DAAM. We are pending genetic studies to determine ESUås and structure of genetic reserve. The first generation captive-bred animals did lay eggs but they failed to develop completely. We are just doing the first reintroductions in order to increase distribution.
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